Blue Valley is a concern that makes a difference. We value our ancestral system and bring the best of the east to the west. A bridge between the contemporary and traditional customs, our products bring ancient wellness into the modern lifestyle choices of today. Our extensive range of products are Fair Trade Certified, each one celebrating artisanal skills and traditions of India.

A few years back we had the wonderful opportunity to collaborate with Shashwat Parhi on a documentary film on the lives and work of village weavers in West Bengal. The film captures the essence of what we have been trying to achieve with our involvement with these weavers.

Shuto Booni

A Life of Weaving

Free PDF download

In 2016 we hosted a photographic exhibition in Fribourg, Switzerland, to premier the documentary film Shuto Booni. Jones Stanley Vincent and Shashwat Parhi spent 10 days living with our weavers in a remote village in West Bengal, India, filming, photographing and documenting their day to day life. The result was an audiovisual treat of colors and sounds, celebrating our rich Indian rural life. It struck a deep chord with a Swiss audience weened on a long tradition of making things by hand.

Large archival prints of photos of weavers and their lives are available for sale. This bilingual booklet contains smaller reproductions of all the photos from the exhibition. If you would like to order a print of any of these wonderful photos, please get in touch and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.